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联系地址 : 广西桂林市建干路12号,tyc太阳集团城网址理学院,邮编:541004

联系电话:0773- 5896179



[1] 2017.7---至今 tyc太阳集团城网址理学院信息与计算科学教研室教师

[2] 2014.9---2017.6 四川大学运筹学与控制论专业学习,获理学博士学位

[3] 2009.9---2012.6 广西师范大学基础数学专业学习获理学硕士学位

[4] 2004.9---2008.6  南宁师范大学(原广西师院)学习获理学学士学位



[2] 广西科技基地和人才专项,AD20159017非线性发展型半变分不等解集的拓扑性质及应用研究,2020/06-2023/06,在研,主持

[3]国家自然科学基金地区项目,11961014,加权变指数空间中p(x)-Laplace 系统解的存在性与动力学研究,2019/09-2023/12,在研,参与


[1] Yirong Jiang, Qiongfen Zhang,An Chen, Zhouchao Wei,Sensitivity analysis of optimal control problems governed by nonlinear  Hilfer fractional evolution inclusions, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, (2021), doi.org/10.1007/s00245-020-09739-3.

[2] Yi-rong Jiang, Qiong-fen Zhang, Qi-qing Song, Topological structure of solution sets for control problems governed by semilinear fractional impulsive evolution equations with nonlocal condition, IMA Journal of Mathematical Control and Information, 37 (2020) 1089-1113.

[3] Yi-rong Jiang, Z.C. Wei, Weakly asymptotic stability for fractional delay differential mixed variational inequalities, Applied Mathematics and Optimization, (2020), doi.org/10.1007/s00245-019-09645-3.

[4] Yi-rong Jiang, N.J. huang, Z.C. Wei, Existence of a global attractor for fractional differential hemivariational inequalities, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 25(4) (2020) 1193-1212.

[5] Yi-rong Jiang*, Qiong-fen Zhang, Nan-jing Huang, Fractional stochastic evolution hemivariational inequalities and optimal controls, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis,   55(2) (2020) 493-515.

[6] Yi-rong Jiang, Nan-jing Huang, Qiong-fen Zhang, Chang-chun Shang, Relaxation in nonconvex optimal control problems governed by evolution inclusions with the difference of two Clarke's subdifferentials , International Journal of Control, 94(2) (2021) 534-547.

[7] Yi-rong Jiang, Optimal feedback control problems driven by fractional evolution hemivariational inequalities, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 41 (2018) 4305-4326.

[8] Yi-rong Jiang, Nan-jing Huang, Donal O’Regan, A variational inequality  theory with application to p-Laplacian elliptic inequalities, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 152 (2017 )195–210.

[9] Yi-rong Jiang, Nan-jing Huang, Jen-Chih Yao, Solvability and optimal control of semilinear nonlocal fractional evolution inclusion with Clarke subdifferential, Applicable Analysis 96 (2017 ) 2349-2366.

[10] Yi-rong Jiang, Nan-jing Huang, Solvability and optimal controls of fractional delay evolution inclusions with Clarke subdifferential, Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, 40 (2017) 3026-3039.

[11] Yi-rong Jiang, Periodic solutions of Clarke’s subdifferential type evolution inclusions with multivalued perturbations, Communications on Applied Nonlinear Analysis, 23 (2016) 33-56.


[1] 2020年,指导员工获第八届“泰迪杯”数据挖掘挑战赛二等奖.

[2] 2020年,指导员工获全国老员工数学建模区级二等奖两项.

[3] 2020年,指导员工获正大杯第十届老员工市场调查与分析大赛国家级三等一项和区级二等奖一项.

[4] 2020年,指导员工获数维杯老员工数学建模竞赛三等奖一项.

[5] 2020年,指导员工获第三届中青杯全国老员工数学建模竞赛三等奖.

[5] 2019年,指导员工获“华为杯”第十六届研究生数学建模竞赛一等奖.

[6] 2019年,指导员工获第二届华教杯全国老员工数学竞赛三等奖.


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